Justice level 1 WIP - info text =============================== Disclaimer: This is unfinished software. If it breaks, if it damages your harddisk, if it kills your grandmother, or if it does any number of other nasty things, then it's not my fault, I didn't force you to run this. So there. 1. Requirements You'll need an Amiga with OCS, and least 1 megabyte of FREE ram - i.e. an A500 with 1 meg won't be quite enough since the OS takes up a bit of ram. Recommended specs are an A1200 with some fast ram. Justice has been known to consistently fail on A4000/040s, so if you have one of those, then sorry, you probably can't run it. All I can suggest is fiddling with the cache settings and so on. Unfortunately, without an A4000 I can't really fix this bug. 2. Installation Copy the file "justicelevel1" somewhere... 3. Running the program Simply type the name of the program into the CLI to run it. You can select different ships at startup by specifying an argument from 0 to 2 after the file name, such as "justicelevel1 1". Ship 0 is the default ship, which is a light, fast ship with low armour, and has the added feature of afterburners. Ship 1 is a medium speed, medium armoured craft. Ship 2 is a slow, heavily armoured craft. Users with CD32 controllers can take advantage of the extra buttons by adding a "c" to the argument list, such as "justicelevel1 c", or "justicelevel1 1c". 4. Controls Joystick or mouse left/right - steer left or right. Joystick or mouse up/down - point the craft down or up. Joystick fire button, CD32 red button or mouse left button - fire weapon. CD32 blue button, mouse right button or holding SHIFT key - afterburners. CD32 yellow button - cycle through available weapons. CD32 shoulder buttons or holding ALT key - turn fast. 1 - 6 keys - select different weapons. m - toggle music on/off. CD32 start button or p key - pause game. []#/-=+ - change current view. \ - reset current view. Escape key - quit. 5. How to play This is level 1. The aim of this is to destroy the power station used to power an enemy mining site. To do this, you must first destroy the generators which disable the power station. To find out what to destroy, follow the directional arrow in the top left of the screen, which points to your next target. The rest you can find out for yourself. :) 6. Credits Code - Niki Hemmings. Graphics - Angelo Bod. Music - Simon Carless. 7. Contacting the author You can't right now, since I'm just about to lose my net access. I'll post to aminet as soon as I get a new ISP, so watch out for that...